Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Another DIY Halloween Costume Attempt...

Well this week I am aiming my creative abilities toward Halloween. I am Morticia Addams. And yes of course I decide to try and make the costume. Last year's dancer costume was a 50% success given that my grandmother, the real seamstress, helped me out enormously. This year.... nope. I have refused to let myself buckle under the holiday's pressure.

I was working in my family's living room cutting out the first step of the dress when my grandma comes walking in with the puzzled look on her face, cause I was obviously doing it wrong. I put a hand up and proclaimed, "Stop right there. I know I am doing this tremendously wrong. Don't even try to help cause I won't understand a word you're saying. So when this doesn't work just watch and laugh because I'm going to try and fix it myself." She giggled and said knowingly, "Just let me know. I'm happy to help." Shoot me lol.

Currently I have the dress, sleeves included, sewn and fitting very nicely, may  I add. Now I will be putting the finishing touches on it today and tomorrow and will make sure and let you know how it all ends up.

As I posted on Facebook: If this dress turns out horribly I am cursing every sewing machine I come by. If this dress turns out even decent I will retire graciously from ever sewing again. Trust me you'll know either way. Thank you.

Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm now starting to organize my pottery essentials. I remember when taking classes that they always had a sample tile of how the glaze turned out after firing. What a good idea compared to my "Winging It" philosophy haha.

Really looking forward to selling a few of my pieces at this year's Kandy Kane Castle Boutique. Really need to keep the creativity flowing for these next couple weeks. Not including needing to keep the productivity a going cause who needs to help set this boutique up? This girl.

Peace. Love.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

An essential aspect
of creativity is
not being afraid
to fail.